Brown Reynolds Watford (BRW) Architects principals Craig S. Reynolds, FAIA, and Mark E. Watford, FAIA, have established a Texas Architectural Foundation (TAF) scholarship endowment in their firm’s name to benefit students pursuing careers in architecture. Reynolds, who served as TxA president in 2012 and TAF president for 2017–2018, talked to us about their inspiration for doing so, specifically the challenge his firm has had in finding new architects to hire.
“There is a lot of competition [among firms] — and a great need in all areas — for good qualified students,” says Reynolds, noting that the profession has a vested interest in putting more future architects in the pipeline to eventually join the workforce. “We saw a need to continue to try to provide opportunities so students who want to study architecture can stay in the field.”
Reynolds says he and Watford realized that if they were truly sincere about wanting to encourage young persons aspiring to become architects, one concrete way to do so was to establish a scholarship through TAF. TAF was established in 1952 to make possible deserving students’ dreams of an architectural education, and to enhance the quality of the academic experience at Texas universities. Scholarships are awarded to undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate students in the accredited departments or schools of architecture in Texas.
Reynolds shares that four current BRW Architects employees received a total of six TAF scholarships in their student days, and the firm is pleased to be giving back. The first award is expected to be made in 2019, and criteria for the scholarship are pending.
The Texas Architectural Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and all contributions, personal or corporate, are tax deductible. The minimum donation for establishing an endowment is $35,000. If your firm or businesses is interested in learning more about ways to support TAF, please contact