In this issue we feature six houses, five of them in Texas, one outside of the state but designed by…

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May 27, 2016
These new offerings for kitchens, bathrooms, and other residential living spaces include a first-of-its-kind telescoping kitchen faucet and a desk…
May 25, 2016
The “perfect wall” concept was developed by Joseph Lstiburek of Building Science Corporation, a consulting and architectural services firm based…
May 25, 2016
Preservation Texas presented its 2016 Honor Awards at the State Theatre in Austin on February 18.
May 25, 2016
Project Knoll Office and Showroom, Houston Client Knoll Architect Architecture Research Office Design Team Stephen Cassell, Kim Yao, Jejon Yeung, Christine Nasir Photographer Bob…
May 25, 2016
The size of Texas and its ecological, geological, and social diversity are obvious — as is its youth, in any…
May 25, 2016
The home of the future might only be as big as a large closet. At least, that’s what Jeff Wilson,…
May 25, 2016
The 2015 Solar Decathlon took place in Irvine, Calif. in mid-October after nearly two years of work by 14 teams.…
May 25, 2016
The pavilion that stood in the Nasher Sculpture Center’s garden from January 23 to April 17 was the centerpiece of…
May 25, 2016
Curated by Delaney Harris-Finch and Anna Mod, “Uncommon Modern” presented photographs of more than 100 overlooked pieces of Houston’s modern…
May 25, 2016
The Llano Estacado is flat And seems to go on forever Yellow fields under the blue sky Then without preamble…
May 25, 2016
Apropos of this issue’s feature and portfolio sections on houses and restoration I thought I’d write about the house where…