youtube Brantley Hightower, AIA, discusses the importance of preserving this important part of Texas’s architectural legacy.


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I couldn’t get this video to load and play.
Is it working properly?

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I would try opening the link in youtube. It worked for me once I did that.

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This video streams through youtube. The speed of this video is determined by YouTube. YouTube periodically experiences high utilization which can cause loading problems in certain regions.

On the lower right hand side of the movie is a “settings” tab that looks like a gear. If you select a different quality setting it will should help.

Thank you,
Dorr Sheppard
Director of IT

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I’m having the same problem as Mark. It plays a few seconds, but then stops and seems like it’s trying to load.

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This is an interesting video, however Hightower is far from the only author and historian on Texas Courthouse Architecture. I studied under Willard Robinson who did a tremendous amount of research and historical documentation on them. He also wrote several books on the subject and was a fascinating man to listen to in a lecture. Again even Robinson is not the only one, so I suggest if you have an interest beyond Hightower, that you check out the sources on the following website.

Thanks for the interesting article and especially the video. For those of you having difficulty watching the video I suggest you go direct to YouTube and search the subject there..

Thanks again,
Robert A. Stoll, Jr, AIA


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