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In the wake of the response by AIA members to AIA CEO Robert Ivy’s post-election statement, the Texas Society of Architects (TxA) would like to reaffirm our core values. Above all, TxA is committed to being the voice for Texas architecture, supporting the creation of safe, beautiful, and sustainable environments.

Furthermore, TxA stands behind AIA’s stated Diversity and Inclusion Goals (see below).

TxA acknowledges that  much of the presidential campaign rhetoric, prior actions, and statements of the president-elect seem to be in contradiction to our core values and those of the AIA. We anticipate learning more about the intentions of the new administration in the coming weeks and months, and will support those policies aligned with our core values and speak out against those which are not. TxA and its membership will continue to promote the design of spaces that serve our communities and are inclusive, as well as continuing to seek greater diversity within the profession, no matter which political party is in the majority.

Architects have an important role to play in designing and building a more prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable society for the future. We know architects of all political parties will continue to use their skills and voices to promote the highest ideals of design, as our aging infrastructure is renewed, as well as the ideals of our nation, including life, liberty, and justice for all.

AIA Diversity and Inclusion Goals: Leadership in design and construction requires collaboration. Architects must encourage and celebrate the contributions of those who bring diverse experiences, views, and needs into the design process.

  1. Civil rights
    The AIA supports the promotion of human and civil rights, the universal respect for human dignity, and the unbiased treatment of all persons in employment, civic, and business transactions.
  2. Diversity
    The AIA recognizes that diversity is a cultural ethos – a way of thinking or acting that fosters inclusion and enhances our membership, our profession, and the quality of life in our communities. Embracing this culture of diversity, all programs and initiatives of the AIA and its members shall reflect the society that we serve, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, or religious practices. The AIA supports the development of policies and programs that endeavor to ensure equal access to professional degrees in architecture for those who are underrepresented in our profession.

More information about core AIA programs and initiatives can be found here.

If you have questions, please contact us.

Paul A. Bielamowicz, AIA, is Associate Principal and Senior Project Manager at Page and the 2016 President of TxA.


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This response is a well needed and welcome. I am glad you included the AIA Diversity and Inclusion Goals because sometimes they seem forgotten. Mr. Bielamowicz I commend you for your response.

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Donna, Thank you for your kind words! None of us should shy away from speaking out, and I encourage our members to have a voice in our communities. In the coming weeks and months, we will hear new ideas and new policies proposed, and with those will be many different points of view and many will be voicing their opinions. As architects I feel that we are uniquely positioned to offer thoughtful insight to these discussions, as we are constantly navigating balances and compromises between user/client desires, needs, budgets and regulatory constraints. We are trained to think broadly and have a social duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of all, so we have much we can offer to conversations about the best policies for shaping our communities for the future. That said, when we do offer our insight, whether as individuals or as a collective voice, we need to insure that we stay grounded in our values, and respond objectively to how new ideas support or challenge those tenets. We will want our opinions to be valued and respected by others, and I believe it will be the rigor in staying objective with our messages that will determine how we as a profession will be perceived.

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President Paul,
I fully support equal access to employment and promotion for qualified individuals. The only criteria for hiring or promoting individuals should be, are they qualified and do they have the attitude to ‘do the job’. Nothing else is important. That said, I also believe in a hand up if the individual is willing to work for it. ‘Teach a man to fish’!

Only talent, inspiration and hard work creates great architecture!

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Thanks you Paul for the well positioned statement of TxA’s commitment and for the all inclusiveness


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