AIA Fort Worth held its annual Excellence in Architecture Design Awards jury on October 20th at The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. The jury — Randy Brown, FAIA, of RBA in Omaha, Neb.; Emily Little, FAIA, from Clayton & Little in Austin; and Bill Aylor, AIA, of Lake/Flato in San Antonio — parsed 31 projects submitted by local architects, selecting nine to receive awards. Among projects of varied size, function, and budget, three Honor Awards, four Merit Awards and two Studio Awards were presented.
2015 AIA Fort Worth Excellence in Architecture Design Awards
Honor Award: Ceverine School, Maissade, Haiti. Thomas Stewart, AIA.
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Honor Award: Ceverine School, Maissade, Haiti. Thomas Stewart, AIA.
Honor Award: Amphibian Stage Productions, Fort Worth. Ibanez Architecture.
Honor Award: Huynh Residence, Fort Worth. Norman D. Ward Architect.
Merit Award: Hollenstein Career and Technology Center, Fort Worth. VLK Architects.
Merit Award: Near South Studios, Fort Worth. VLK Architects.
Merit Award: Weatherford College, Bridgeport, TX. VLK Architects.
Merit Award: 3850 Washburn, Fort Worth. Ibanez Architecture.
Studio Award: Chroma. Bart Shaw, AIA.
Studio Award: Fallen Log. konstrukcio studio.